Mom thinks I'm something "bee-utiful" to "bee-hold" in my bee costume! I reluctantly conceeded to play the part that "bee-fell" me, although it would have "bee"n more "bee-fitting" "bee-fore" this time of the year, say around October 31st. You can tell I'm a bit of a "bee-ginner" when it comes to drama. I'm having a difficult time covering up some ticked off "bee-havior". "Bee"-sides it's just a little un"bee"-lievable that Mom would dress me up to promote some tips using honey. "Bee-seeching" her to stop taking pictures did not work. I "bee"-lieve I'll have to "bee"-siege the costume to get my point across!
We never seem to have enough honey around our house and use it instead of sugar which is a good thing considering the price of sugar right now! Click the Tips tab for using honey if you want to "bee" healthy. (Sorry I couldn't resist!)